
Why so? As you can see the same, iTunes really has begun to feel a bit senile.

Why so? As you can see the same, iTunes really has begun to feel a bit senile. more and more features can not make it a bit to cope with its increasingly bloated body, is moving in the style of Microsoft's product development. .to make iTunes renewed vigor, I think the following 10-point change in iTunes 9 Apple consideration. .1, so that the user interface more simple .it used to be one of the best parts of iTunes. the old list and grid view, although looked a bit old-fashioned, but at least Herve Leger more practical, allowing users to easily find their needs function.iTunes 8's new grid view more complicated, obviously in the same window to achieve a more convenient operation, Apple is blunt it into several parts. do not believe? when we click performers label when the grid view in the library to see the name of all the performers. If you click on an icon, it switches to another list view. is not really confusing? .2, withdrawal Genius sidebar off .Yes, this is an automatically generated playlist a very simple way, but at what price? love your music is automatically submitted to Apple, and then it can make use of this information to sell it to you The iTunes store things. .iTunes store may sell the goods of this feature is Apple's real intentions.

